Invited speakersSession grand public Samuel Alizon Samuel is a research director at the CNRS and director of the Ecology and Evolution of Health team in the CIRB unit at the Collège de France in Paris. He is interested in health issues using tools and concepts from scientific ecology and evolutionary biology, including modeling approaches. His research focuses on human viruses such as HPV, HIV and SARS-CoV-2. During the general public session, Samuel will attempt to "reconcile Pasteur and Darwin."
Delphine Destoumieux Delphine is a research director at CNRS and deputy director of the Transmission, Resistance and Virulence team in the Host-Pathogen-Environment Interactions unit in Montpellier. Her research focuses on the multiple host and pathogen factors contributing to the emergence of infectious diseases in marine environments undergoing environmental changes. During the general public session, Delphine will talk about "Infectious diseases in mollusks and their role in pathogen dispersal".
Serge Morand Serge conducts research in the evolutionary ecology of infectious disease transmission with applications in health ecology. As a field parasitologist, he is interested in the interconnections between biodiversity and health, particularly zoonotic infectious diseases, foodborne parasites or antimicrobial resistance at the human-animal-environment interfaces. In the general public session, Serge will talk about epidemics (and their globalization) and the emergence of infectious diseases in relation to land use change and biodiversity loss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe 1: « Interface sciences expérimentales / sciences théoriques » Claude Loverdo Claude is a researcher in biophysics at the Jean Perrin laboratory. She models the dynamics of bacterial and viral populations. She studies in particular the interactions between the immune system and the microbiota. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe 2: « L’écologie évolutive et ses applications » Clara Torres-Barcelo Clara is a researcher at INRAE (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique et Environnementale) in the Plant Pathology Research team in Avignon (France). She studies the role of bacteriophages in the ecology and evolution of plant pathogenic bacteria, and their potential use to protect plants and restore disturbed microbiota.
Louis Lambrechts Louis is a research director in the virology department of the Institut Pasteur in Paris. He studies the ecology, evolution and genetics of insect-virus interactions. He works with his team on mosquito-borne viruses (e.g. DENVs, Zika). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe 3: « Environnement et interactions durables » Chloé Delmas Chloé is a research director at the UMR SAVE (Santé et Agroécologie du vignoble), INRAE Bordeaux. Her research work uses experimental and field approaches in plant ecology, plant physiology and pathogen evolution to answer fundamental questions concerning the impacts of the environment on biotic interactions and trait evolution in the context of global change.
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